In one word, awesome. This is hands down one of the best training videos I've seen. This video is narrated by Mark Bell, former pro-wrestler and current elite level powerlifter, that many know of as "Jackass" from the Elite Fitness Systems Q&A. Mark does a great job explaining the various lifts his powerlifting team, Supertraining, uses to build the squat and deadlift. Mark mixes a definite element of humor into this video that makes it as entertaining as it is informative.
It is great to see various members of his team who are lifting at different levels and have different body types. This team is definitely focused on one goal - getting stronger. One of the most important aspects of the video that comes across loud and clear, is the importance of having a team of like minded individuals in the gym pushing each other to excel.
Other great features on this video are the guest commentary by elite lifter Chad Aichs and the documentary of Scott "Hoss" Cartwright's exceptional performance at a USPF meet in which he totals over 2,200 pounds in single-ply lifting gear. GREAT stuff!
About the only thing I can say about this video is if you don't have it, get it now!
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