Saturday, September 16, 2006

Raw Bench Press
Sep 16, 2006

Raw Bench

warm up: med ball passes and shoulder mobility - used hot rub on shoulder and elbows and it helped a ton.

1. Bench Press: 135x3, 155x3, 185x1, 195x3x3

2. 4-Board Press: 205x3, 225x3, 245x3, 275x1

3a. Seated Row: 110x10x2, 120x8x2
3b. Shrug: 155x10x2, 155x8x2
3c. DBL KB Military Press: 16kgx7x4

4a. RVS EZ Bar Curl: 60x8x3
4b. Zottman Curl: 30x6x3
4c. RVS EZ Bar Curl: 60x6x3

5a. Band Oblique Pulldown Abs: 3 sets
5b. Neck Harness: 3 sets

That's it. Beginning of week 3 so I'm pushing it hard this week. Week 4 actually ends up being Lisa and my anniversary week so we are heading down to Destin which is cool cause' that is my back off week. Will do some uni-lateral work and maybe some KB and band work that week. 11/18/06...

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