Friday, September 08, 2006

Raw Squat - Dynamic Effort Deadlift
Sep 08, 2006

Raw Squat/DE Deadlift

warm up:
-hip mobility and lower body KB circuit

1. Squat: 135x3, 185x3, 225x3x3, 185x3 (paused)

2. Bench: 135x5, 115x5 (all paused)

3. Speed Deadlift: 225x1x6

4a. 45 Degree Back Raise: bwx10,8,6
4b. Ball Sit Up: bwx15,12,10

5. DBL KB Swing (sumo): 16kgx10x3

6. Med Ball Ab Circuit - same as Monday

7. Rolling Thunder: 90x1+1, 110x1+1, 140x1+1 (20lb PR right, 30lb PR left!)

That's it for the day. Squats felt nice today, granted they were light but I'll build up over 3 weeks. I'm new to this raw day stuff, ahhh I miss my Metal squat suit.. The rolling thunder was pretty cool tonight, nice to hit a PR on that, grip stuff is fun!

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