Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dynamic Effort Bench
Jul 29, 2006

DE Bench

warm up: mobility stuff with med ball drills and chins and push ups (not quite X-fit style but it warmed me up)

1. Speed Bench w/bands (3 different grips all inside rings): 95x3x8

2. 4-Board Press w/bands: 185x3, 205x3, 215x3x2

3. Seated Row: 90x12, 110x10, 140x8, 160x6x2

4. Band Pushdown: purple bandx12x3

5. Upright Row: 70x12x2

6. Sled Dragging: forward w/ chest pressx45lbsx3 short trips, 3 long trips; backward w/ high rowx45lbsx1 short trip, 2 long trips --->neighbors LOVED this..

Good workout. Speed on bench was right on. Just got my new Elite Fitness sled yesterday and had a blast using it. This shit is no joke man. Even with the little 45lb plate this kicked my ass.. Maybe it was the 1000-degree 1000%humidity 1000%smog Georgia day....

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