Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dynamic Effort Squat/Deadlift
Nov 02, 2006



warm up - mobility stuff

1. Box Squat w/chains - 135x2, 25x2, 245x2/4. 275x2/2

2. Speed Deads - 315x1/3

3. Stone Lifts - 170lb stone to waist x 3 reps, 125lb stone to chest x 2 reps

4. 45 Degree Back Raise - 24kgx8,6,4

5. Sit Up - 24kgx8/3

6. Pulldown Band Oblique Abs - purple 2 sets

That's it. I was going to hold off on my new stone lifting venture until after the meet but those two stones have been sitting in my yard taunting me for days I had to get my hands on them for a couple reps. Initial assessment - stone lifting rules! This is something I can see doing for a long time. 11/18/06...

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