Saturday, November 25, 2006

Nov 25, 2006


warm up - mobility

1. Bench Press - 135x3, 155x2, 185x1, 205x1, 225x1

2. Push Ups - 33 reps (50sec)

3. Pull Ups - bwx4

4. Chin Ups - bwx4

5. LC C&J - 16kgx5, 24kgx3, 32kgx6

6. Battling Ropes Underhand Wave - 60 sec

That's all for today. Basically I wanted to test some of the lifts and exercises I plan to use for conditioning work for this cycle (i.e. ropes and LC C&J's) to get an idea as far as volume etc. It was tough taking raw training maxes this week having just peaked in a PL meet last Saturday, everything was about 20-40lbs under my best raw maxes thus far. Going to see the Gladiators play tonight. Good times.

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