Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Max Effort Bench Press
Sep 06, 2006


ME Bench

warm up:
-joint mobility full body
-KB circuit:
1. Push Ups: bwx3x2
2. Renegade Row: 16kgx3+3x2
3. DBL C&P: 16kgx3x2

1. Squat: 205x5, 185x5

2. Floor Press: 95x5, 135x3, 155x3, 185x3

3a. BB Extension: 70x6x3
3b. CG Bench Press: 70x4x3
3c. BB Extension: 70x4x3

4a. Lat Pulldown: 90x10x2, 90x8x2
4b. Face Pull: purple bandx10x2, purple bandx8x2

5. Lateral Raise: 3 sets

6. Russian Twist: 3 sets

7. Ball 4-Way Neck: 2 sets each

That's it. I don't really care for working out in the morning like this, but I have to go to the docs for a physical and to get this potential hernia looked at so I am going to work a little later and didn't want to have to do this when I got home. Now, if any of you who actually read this log could do your "don't worry Scott it isn't a hernia" dance now's the time to do it!!

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