Friday, August 25, 2006

AAPF/APF GA State Meet Tomorrow
Alright, just got back from weigh-ins. Screwed my weight up and didn't make the 198's this time, 204.9, crap. Oh well, no biggie since I am not in danger of breaking any national or world records. This will be my first AAPF/APF meet and from what I hear Jon Grove of North Georgia Barbell usually puts on a top-quality meet. My training partner Malcom and I went up to Stacks Gym to weigh in this morning and ran into the great Sam Byrd - if you've never seen Sam you need to pay attention to this guy. He is that rare lifter who is at the top of the PL game and could easily walk onto a bodybuilding competition stage, the guy is jacked. He holds the all-time 198 squat record, with a 918 lift I think and had a pretty exceptional performance at the NERB raw meet squatting over 700. I am pretty psyched to see this guy lift and there will be a boatload of other high-caliber talent there as well. Intimidating to say the least. I heard a while back that Donnie Thompson may be guest lifting, but I am not 100% sure on that. Will be hard to block all this out and focus on my lifts, but I'll do my best. My training cycle for this meet has been crappy at best and I think I had one point where I actually had a full 4-week mini-cycle so I am not expecting much and staying way conservative. Squats and deads have been progressing pretty well this training cycle, but the bench has been in the crapper big time.

Openers will be VERY light, seconds will be for small PR's and thirds will be played by ear depending on how seconds go.

To add to my lack of focus I noticed a small, puffy bulge in my left groin this past week, could possibly be an inguinal hernia, no pain so far so that is good. Have my regular physical with my Doc on Sept 6th so will get it diagnosed then.

Here's the plan:

Squat (meet PR - 425): open=402, 2nd=429, 3rd=440-451

Bench (meet PR - 285): open=270, 2nd=292, 3rd=303-308

Deadlift (meet PR - 430): open=402, 2nd=440, 3rd=462-501

Main thing is I would like to break a 1200 total, meet PR is 1120 right now.

I know the deadlift 3rd is a wide range, but because I bombed on my bench at the first meet this year I don't know what I could have pulled. I was gunning for a 475 at that meet and never got the chance. My training lift (indicators) are on track for a high 400 pull if things go well, so we'll play it by ear and have some fun sharing a plat with some of the best lifters in the game.

It's all just liftin' weights, right? Good times!


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