Monday, August 14, 2006

Max Effort Squat/Deadlift
Aug 14, 2006

ME Squat/Deadlift

Working up to the openers today...

1. Squat: 135x5, 225x3, (ACE on straps down) 275x1, 315x1, (straps up) 365x1, (add wraps - loose) 405x1 (easy - will open with 402)

2. Deadlift: 225x2, 315x1, (straps up) 405x1 (easy - will open with 402)

3. GHR: bwx12, 10, 8

4. Sit Up: 45x10x4

That's it. Will probably go squat - 402/429-435/440-451; deadlift - 402/440/463-485 depending on how things go. Bench will be - 270-275/292/303-308 depending how things go. Good times! 8/26/06, the only thing cooler will be seeing the Rollins Band the 24th baby!!

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