Friday, August 04, 2006

Dynamic Effort Squat/Deadlift
Aug 03, 2006 EditDelete

DE Squat/Deadlift

1. Box Squat w/chains: 225x2x8

2. Speed Deadlift: 245x1x8

3. 45 Degree Back Raise: 35x10x3

4. Hanging Leg Raise: bwx10x3

5. Side Bend: 53x10+10x3

That's it. Suit is actually starting to break in well, took a while. Speed was good off the box, technique felt pretty good too. Getting a better arch and flex off the box, it's allowing me to stay more upright. Groove on deads was nice, but 245 ain't that heavy! LOL! We'll see what happens when the bar is loaded.

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