Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dynamic Effort Bench Press
Oct 15, 2006



warm up - med ball drills and mobility

1. Speed Bench w/chains - 95x3, 135x3/8 (3 different grips all inside rings)

2. 1-Arm DB Bench (Coach Reeve style) - 65x5+5/3

3. Seated Half Press in Rack - 135x5, 155x3, 185x3, 205x3/2 (PR)

4. Seated Row - 90x12, 100x10, 110x8, 140x6/2

5. Seated DB Clean - 35 x6/3

That's it. Pretty sore today. I presented at the GA State NSCA clinic yesterday and at the end of the clinic Dr. Mike ran us through an 8 minute battling rope circuit workout and it kicked my butt! Good stuff. 11/18/06...

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