Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Max Effort Squat
Oct 30, 2006


warm up - mobility stuff

1. Squat (suit on, straps down) - 135x3, 225x1, 275x3, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1

2. 1-Arm KB Clean - 24kgx5+5, 32kgx5+5, 40kgx5+5

3. GHR - 25x7,5,3

4. Band Pulldown Abs - green band 3 sets

5. Side Bend - 32kg 2 sets

That's it. Suit felt good, with the straps loose 402 will be a good opener, then will look for 429 for a second and 440-451 for a third. Deads will be 429/475/501. 11/18/06...

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