Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Maximum Effort Bench Press
Oct 25, 2006



1. 3-Board Bench Press - (Rage-X) 135x3, 185x2, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1 [full ROM] 275xmiss (got it 1/2 way up - not sure this Rage is the shirt for me, still may be too much shirt)

2. Military Press - 95x5/3, 85x7, 65x10

3. Lat Pulldown - 100x12, 110x10/2, 120x8/2

4. Seated DB Clean - 40x6/3

5. Band Pushdown - purple bandx12/4

Had to catch this workout at the club's fitness center. I hate working out here, the benches suck. Oh well. 315 was a strain but it came up, the 275 full ROM I got half way up, I need to spend more time in that Rage-X, I took 1 ply out and it is easier to get down in, I just need to learn the groove better. With the 2-plys my training partner couldn't touch 455 and that is WAYYY out of my league. Right now it's best I stay in my F6 for this next meet. I just need to bring it together on the platform. I've hit 315 5 or 6 times full ROM in training in my F6, I'm due for a 300+ meet bench!! Time for some chocolate milk, don't tell the nutrition gurus! 11/18/06...

Maximum Effort Squat/Deadlift
Oct 23, 2006



warm up - mobility stuff

1. High Box Squat - 135x3, 185x3, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, 430x1

2. Pin Pull (#3 pin) - 225x1, 315x1, 405x1

3. GHR - 25x8,6,4

4. Band Pulldown Abs - grnx20/3

5. KB Windmill - 16kgx5+5/2

That's it. Time for chilli! 11/18/06...

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