Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Max Effort Bench Press
Oct 18, 2006



warm up - med ball and mobility stuff

1. 4-Board Press - (46 Fury) 135x3, 185x3, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 275x3

2a. Military Press - 95x5/3, 85x7, 65x10
2b. Lat Pulldown - 90x10, 110x8/2, 130x6/2

3a. Band Pushdown - 3 sets
3b. Band Pullapart - 3 sets

That's it. No partner tonight so I wore a loose shirt to a 4-board. I am just going to work down the boards only to 315x1 plus a back off of 275x3 so 10 days before the meet will be the 1 board then hopefully I'll finally crack 300 in a meet! This will be the easiest thing to do since I won't have a partner back here til' the 1 board day, this way I can use higher boards and rack pins in case I have to ditch. 11/18/06...

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